Average cost of website design for small businesses

Average Website Design Cost for Small Businesses - Tips & Insights

Dear small business owners, ever felt lost or overwhelmed? by website design agencies or freelancers who are charging expensive amounts of money for building website for your business . Our ultimate guide on Website Design Cost is designed to provide clarity and guidance on finding the perfect solution for your budget and needs. From affordable options to custom packages, we’ve got you covered.

importance of professional website design

First Thing before building website , lets talk about why having website for your business is important and how it can elevate your online presence . 

Professional website design plays a critical role in

  • establishing credibility and achieving online success for businesses.
  • A well-designed website can greatly impact how your brand is perceived and engage your target audience effectively.  

average cost of website design for small business

when it comes to  the cost of website design it depends on several factors but Here is a general breakdown of the cost of a website:

  • Free website builder: $0 to $100 per year
  • WordPress website: $100 to $1,000 per year
  • Custom website: $1,000 to $10,000 or more

factors that can significantly impact the cost of a website

Depending on number of factors, the price of developing an  website  can vary significantly. some of these factors are 

Website Complexity:

A simple website with few pages and basic features would cost between $0 – $500

Medium-complexity website with multiple pages and animation would cost between $500 -$5000

High-complexity websites  with unlimited pages and some advance features like payment gateways ,Parallax scrolling , and more .


website builders for small businesses(Website Platform

Free website builders are platforms that start with no charge and have optional paid plans for more features. like Wix, Squarespace, and Weebly.

SquarSpace Template Sleek
Wix Example template

WordPress is the OG for building websites and it is  backed by a thriving community ready to assist you every step of the way.  

cost of building website in wordpress is Domain registration, hosting fees, theme/plugin.

CMS WordPress

 While offering significant advantages, custom-built websites come with a higher price tag compared to other options.


Website Design

Don’t underestimate the power of design. Building a strong website for your small business goes beyond functionality. A well-designed site communicates your brand, builds trust, and drives conversions.

Custom design

There are several benefits to having customized web design for your small business, such as unique look and feel that is tailored to your target audience and brand. and it cost more than themes or templates due to designer’s expertise and time .

pre-designed design

Template or theme (pre-designed options):Cost: More affordable option than custom website design , often included in website builder or CMS packages. 

website features and functionalities

You want website that is professional, functional, and draws customers, but you also need to be aware of your budget. This is where knowing how features and functionalities affect price becomes important. Developing website for your small business can be an exciting but daunting prospect.

The basic features that every website in 2024 must have 

  • Static website: This is the most basic website, like a digital brochure showcasing your business information, contact details, and services. It’s relatively inexpensive to build but lacks interactivity and dynamic content.
  • Content management system (CMS): A CMS allows you to easily update and manage your website content without needing coding knowledge. This adds flexibility and control, but the price increases slightly due to the CMS software and configuration.
  • Responsive design: A responsive website adapts to different screen sizes (desktop, mobile, tablet), ensuring a seamless user experience across devices. This is essential in today’s mobile-first world and adds moderately to the cost.

Advanced Features 

  • E-commerce functionality: If you sell products online, you’ll need an e-commerce platform integrated into your website. This allows customers to browse, add items to carts, and make secure payments. E-commerce features significantly increase the price due to the complexity and security requirements.
  • Lead capture forms: Capture leads and potential customers by integrating forms for newsletter subscriptions, contact requests, or appointment bookings. This adds functionality and marketing value, impacting the price accordingly.
  • Custom design and development: Want a website that stands out from the crowd? Opt for custom design and development, creating a unique user interface and tailored functionalities. This is the most expensive option but offers maximum control and branding potential.

hire a website designer or DIY

if you’re a small business owner, you may be wondering whether to hire a website designer or DIY your website.There are pros and cons to each approach, so it’s important to weigh your options carefully before making a decision.

Pros of hiring a website designer

Here we have summarize 3 main benefits of hiring website designer for your website business .

Pros of hiring a website designer

Cons of hiring a website designer

We have outlined the three primary drawbacks of hiring website designer for your online business here.

Cons of hiring a website designer

DIYing Your Website

If you’re on a tight budget or you want to have more control over the design of your website, you may want to consider DIYing your website. There are a number of website builders and templates available that can help you create a website without any coding experience.

Affordable website design for small business

having affordable and modern website in 2024 is impossible  , due  all  website builders for small businesses charge a lot for money for  modern , responsive design and integrating some features like user register ,login , and Payment gateway , at TechVance, we offer free consultation to help you from domain hosting to uploading your website and gain traffic, starting from $99 so contact us today . 

Final Thoughts

Building your online presence doesn’t have to break the bank. The average cost of website design for small businesses ranges from $2,000 to $10,000, with options to scale upwards for complex features and custom design. For affordable options, consider website builders or DIY platforms. Remember, website design pricing packages vary based on pages, features, and customization. A basic 5-page website price can be as low as $500 if you DIY, while hiring a website designer typically falls within the $5,000-$10,000 range. Website redesign costs are similar, though complexity may bump the price.

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